Just How Clean Are Your Makeup Brushes?

Just How Clean Are Your Makeup Brushes?

Makeup Brushes

how to clean makeup brushes
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Makeup brushes. We all use them, and well all hate to clean them simply because it’s just one more household chore that leaves our hands feeling drier than ever. But, things just got better since the introduction of the  BrushPearl – an automatic and user-friendly makeup brush cleaning solution that takes the dread out of this once hated chore.

The Buzz

The BrushPearl™ is the world’s first digital ultrasonic makeup and cosmetic brush cleaner. It delivers sound waves through its cleansing tank to gently and effectively vibrate dirt and grime off of brushes without causing damaging friction to the bristles. The BrushPearl also cleans nontraditional tools such as sponges, kabuki brushes and skin-cleansing device brush heads. This device is the first and only of its kind and is considered the ultimate brush purifying tool that will leave your makeup and cosmetic brushes properly cleansed through three simple cycles: Cleaning Cycle, Rinse Cycle and Drying Cycle. The device’s kickstand in the Drying Cycle will also provide the most optimal and space-saving position for drying one’s brushes and prolong the life of its bristles.

PhotoGrid_1462653424226_resizedWhy You’ll Love It

You’ve never seen anything like this before! I was beyond thrilled to use my new BrushPearl as soon as I received it, so I got out  some of my dirty brushes and see the results? I loved everything from the look of the device itself to the smell of the included brush cleaning solution.  Admittedly, I’m not the most patient person on earth, so I liked that the cleaning action took less than 10 minutes over all. I guess the one negative is, is that this device doesn’t dry your brushes, so expect that they’ll be out of commission for at least two days while they dry. Okay, well maybe there is one more tiny negative: If your makeup brush has an odd-shaped handle, it might be a little trickier to get it to stand upright and secure so that it doesn’t touch the bottom of the metal insert where all the ultrasonic cleaning action happens.

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