3 Ways To Combat Hair Loss & Shedding

The demoralizing experience of hair loss has touched the likes of actress, Keira Knightley due to overstyling damage. But other reasons like stress, healthy scalp neglect and hormonal imbalance also contribute to the unwanted shedding of hair. This month, during National Hair Loss Awareness month, make a real investment in products from Nulastin, DefenAge and Mayraki to improve hair growth.
Nulastin Vibrant Scalp Treatment with Elastaplex® is the only advanced serum that supports hair growth by anchoring follicles to elastin, reducing shedding, and rejuvenating elastin for the scalp. It's suitable for all skin types and contains 5 active ingredients.
Price: $129 Availability: nulastin.com

Great for thinning hair in both men and women is Mayraki Anti Hairloss Hair Growth Shampoo Kit -- a scalp purifying, anti-aging and anti-hair loss kit that cleanses, promotes hair growth and prevents hair fall. It contains natural vegan ingredients and is ideal for oily hair.
Price: $99 Availability: hairmayraki.com

The DefenAge 150K Hair Follicle Serum is a water-based formulation that contains age-repair defensins paired with other ingredients including organic pea sprout and azalea-isolated yeast extract to optimize the environment surrounding hair follicles. It improves hair volume, quality, texture, reduces hair loss, promotes scalp health and nourishes hair roots. Although clinical results vary, most will see 67% fuller hair within the first 30 days.
Price: $197 Availability: defenage.com
Hair Loss Facts
- The average head has about 100,000 hair follicles.
- Hair growth starts to decline at age 50.
- Losing weight quickly contributes to stress, which contributes to hair loss.
- 12% of women experience hair loss by the age of 30.