How To Get A Good Eyebrow Job

Face shape is everything in determining the perfect-shaped eyebrow and keeping those brows looking perfect between waxing and threading sessions is the job of these products…but first, “what brow shape works for me?”
Here’s how to get a good eyebrow job:
Oval faces like Zoe Saldana & Kelly Rowland should wear shorter length hairs with a slight arch to make hollow cheeks appear fuller.
Square faces like Rosario Dawson whose square jaw line, cheekbones and forehead are about the same width, should aim for a more delicate arch to soften features.
Round faces like Ashanti‘s do well to stay away from thick, unarched brows which make this face shape appear wider. Opt for a higher arch with the brow tapering to a sharp point.
Women who have similar heart-shaped faces like Journee Smollett should always be arched.
If you haven’t mastered the art of using an eyebrow pencil to make your brows look really natural, then give Tarte Amazonian Clay Waterproof Brow Mousse ($28, a go. ‘Brow Mousse’ easily glides onto your brows without leaving behind harsh lines or waxy build-up as it minimizes oil surrounding the hair follicle so the pigment doesn’t wipe away and hydrates, so it won’t flake away. Anything Tarte works for HKI.
If you’ve over-plucked or just need help filling in some gaps, try Ardell Brow Defining Pallett ($10.99, This totable kit comes complete with a tweezer, brow brush, 2-brow colors, a sponge tip applicator and highlighter to accentuate your beautiful arch. Comes in Light, Medium & Dark.
Tame unruly hairs with the clear formula Jouer Cosmetics Brow Fix ($20, which keeps your brows perfectly defined and in place for hours and hours. Apply in upward strokes. Smooches Jouer.
Sidestep an expensive brow hair transplant and an unnatural-looking brow tattoos by investing a mere $49 for BoomBoom Brow Job ( which is infused with vitamins, peptides and amino acids to help transform scrawny brows to fuller brows within one month. ‘Brow Job” is completely safe to use around the eyes. I’ve got mine on the bathroom sink!