Blushing Beauty: Achieve An Effervescent Glow with Highlighting Blush

Model Alek Wek’s effervescent glow from within is what makes this beauty an HKI Style Star. And you, too can capture her glow with a little blush, a smile and two willing cheeks. Achieve an effervescent glow like Wek with highlighting blush from Black Opal Cosmetics, Physicians Formula, and Iman Cosmetics.
Earlier this summer, Black Opal Artistic Director Frank Guyton demonstrated how to get shimmering cheeks by using Black Opal Raspberry Bronzer Blush – Color Fusion Mosaic ($10.50, The beauty of this mosaic is two-fold – it highlights the natural beauty of your cheeks and it acts as an oil blotter to help control shine so the color. This is a fab product for the color-shy because it’s very subtle.
It seems like every few months there seems to be yet another innovation from Physicians Formula and while there are too many new products to speak of here, there’s at least one that’s getting HKI’s attention this week…Physicians Formula pH Matchmaker pH Powered Blush ($12.95, Awesome! This compact does two things incredibly well: it feeds into our vanity by lightening you thereby getting your pretty right every time, and it’s the first ever pH Power Complex which means the color adjusts perfectly to your hue, be that of Alek’s fudge complexion or the palest of skin tones and all within 60 seconds.
Light up every room you walk into with a pretty bronzer like Iman Sheer Finish Bronzing Powder, Afterglow ($16, Afterglow gives your skin the appearance of being kissed by the sun …just apply lightly to the apples of your cheeks as you would blush but in a circular motion and in a “v” motion around your temples. To figure out where else to apply, imagine yourself at a candlelit dinner and the areas where the light hits you.